This Weekend! The Lone Bellow, Jake Simmons & the Little Ghosts, Jared Bartman, That's No Moon, & More!
Shows this weekend at The Canopy Club, Error Records, and Mike 'N Molly's!

This Weekend! Grouplove, Hemmingbirds, A Cool Hand, Zac Vinson, & More!
Shows this weekend at Foellinger Auditorium, Mike 'N Molly's, Cowboy Monkey, and The Canopy Club.

Show Recap: Single Player, Nathan Chistensen, Jon Tracey, & more!
A recap of our second benefit show on Saturday, October 19, 2013, featuring Single Player, Nathan Christensen, Jon Tracey, Kevin Conroy, and Chrissy Ruiz.

Show Recap: Emily Otnes and The Weekdays, Opus Dog, & more!
A brief recap of the Pizza FM Benefit Show at Error Records on the night of Friday, October 18, 2013 featuring Emily Otnes, Opus Dog, Finer feelings, and The Phantom Broadcast.

This Weekend! Titus Andronicus, The Dodos, The Noise FM, Keys N Krates, & More
Live music this weekend at The High Dive, Mike 'n Molly's, Canopy Club, Error Records, and Cowboy Monkey with The Dodos, Titus Andronicus, and more.

This Weekend! The Technicolors, Fauve, The Phantom Broadcast, & More
Live local music at Main Quad, Illini Union Courtyard Cafe, Mike 'n Molly's, Canopy Club, and Cowboy Monkey

Champaign-Urbana Shows Calendar
A calendar of shows and music-related events going on in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. Bar shows, house shows, shows for dates, and shows for shmoes.

Tonight (1.16.13): The Felice Brothers, Morgan Orion, and more
The Felice Brothers, Morgan Orion, and Tractor Kings play at The Highdive tonight. You can also catch Emancipator, Mux Mool, and Tor at The Canopy Club.

Tonight! Hemmingbirds, Megan Johns & Moonwish, Midas the Crow
Hemmingbirds, Megan Johns & Moonwish, and Midas the Crow play Mike n' Molly's tonight, Thursday, November 14. This will be much better than sorting change.

Tonight! Pedro the Lion Day, Maserati, and more
A rundown of concerts in Champaign-Urbana on Tuesday, November 13, 2012. Featuring Pedro the Lion Day at Exile on Main Street and Maserati at Cowboy Monkey.

This Weekend! CU Folk and Roots Fest, Electric Bitters, and more
A rundown of the shows going on this weekend in Champaign-Urbana, including the CU Folk and Roots Fest, Electric Bitters, Conspirator, and more.

Stream: The Wallflowers - Glad All Over
Though the album dropped earlier this month, you can still stream The Wallflowers' 'Glad All Over' in its entirety, courtesy of the band's website.