Show Recap: Single Player, Nathan Chistensen, Jon Tracey, & more!
A recap of our second benefit show on Saturday, October 19, 2013, featuring Single Player, Nathan Christensen, Jon Tracey, Kevin Conroy, and Chrissy Ruiz.

Album Review (Local): Elsinore - PUSH/PULL
Next Tuesday, October 15, brings us PUSH/PULL, Elsinore’s third album to date, on which, Champaign-based Elsinore gives us a diabetic’s answer to indie-pop.

This Weekend! Yip Deceiver + Blues Control, Thin Gin, From Cities Above, & More
Live music this weekend at Mike n' Mollys, The Canopy Club and Error Records with Yip Deceiver + Blues Control, Thin Gin, From Cities Above, and more.

Show Preview: From Cities Above, Morality Crisis, Gonzo Diablo, Lucid Dreams, Orator
A preview of the show at Error Records this Friday night, featuring From Cities Above, Morality Crisis, and a few other local acts.

Pygmalion Local Focus: Withershins
Withershins, formed in 2007 and based out of Champaign, classify their group as a “guitar band” and a “bro band,” first and foremost.

Pygmalion Preview: Bones Jugs N' Harmony, Count This Penny, The 92s, Emily Otnes (Free Show)
The first night of Pygmalion's set of free shows from mostly local artists playing their take on the folk genre including Bones Jugs N' Harmony, Count This Penny, The 92s, and Emily Otnes.

Local Release: An Evening With Your Mother - AEWYMEP
Local folksters An Evening With Your Mother just released a new EP for Pygmalion, and it's not available on their Bandcamp for "name your price."