Dreams of Being Hip: Hipster Classes

I'm sick of being discriminated against in classes because I'm a hipster. For example, you go to a math class and they expect you to know how big a football field is for a word problem. What kind if hipster knows anything about football? Hipsters only play ultimate frisbeeIt's about time we have some math problems about making a playlist based on how long a Neutral Milk Hotel song is. Let's see the jocks sweat that out.I guess that's the beauty of gen ed courses. Putting normal people in classes for weirdos. The idea behind gen ends is essential "let's make the business major athletes take a few classes in pottery, art design, or gender studies." Just to lower that GPA a little bit.I don't actually think that's why we have gen eds. It's probably so we become "well rounded individuals" or some other malarky. Living in Urbana makes you well rounded as it is. That should be a qualification to get out of gen eds in my opinion

Do you live in Urbana or Champaign?Urbana.Have you been woken up by a drum circle in the past 30 days?Yes.Congratulations, you do not have to attend any gen ed courses

They say to write what you know, so that's why I wrote that. I've been kept awake by drum circles before because of all the Urbana hippies.I feel like living in Urbana has made me more cultured than my gen ed courses. There's only so much you can learn from an "anthropology" course about others cultures. Go into Strawberry Fields and buy two loaves of bread for $20 and tell me you don't feel like you've just gone on a mission trip.That's really the most hippie experience I can think of, overpaying for bread. Of course, the bread was gluten free!As a hipster studies major, taking classes in physics and math was very scary for my gen ed experience. It reminded me of a Patton Oswalt bit known as "Physics for Poets":I always felt like gen ed courses were not so much for my benefit but for the university to say "look at how great we are, we took these people who wanted to major in ridiculous non-job acquiring things and made them learn math! haha! how practical! take that hipsters."And that's why this week's dream of being hip is to abolish gen ed courses so that we can all take as many pottery and horticulture courses as we want regardless of how practical it is to learn about those things.


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