Dreams of Being Hip: Now Gluten Free!

Don't worry guys, this blog is now 100% gluten free! Just kidding, this blog is full of gluten. Whatever that even is!You may have seen this video from Jimmy KimmelSo, it seems most of you don't even know what gluten is. Well, it's a mixture of 2 proteins found in meat and grains or something, I got that from the first minute or so of that video. As you can see, most of these gluten free people don't even know what gluten is! Well, it's something you avoid if you have celiac disease. It can give you an allergic reaction and send you to the hospital.However, most people do not have this disease. Gluten does not affect them in any way. But, it's trendy and hip to not eat gluten. Why? Because it's a great tag to add onto your insane foods. This is mainly because you need about 3 things to make something hip. Vegan and organic weren't enough, now it's vegan organic gluten-free brownies!Very interesting that so many people are now gluten free, especially because it just became trendy to do so. All these coincidences are just too much for me. Surely, there must be an increase in celiacs disease if there is so much to do with gluten now a days, right?Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 12.42.07 PM Wrong. No increase in diagnoses of celiac disease, searches, or anything but let's take gluten out of everything just in case it's bad for us. People like to point out that these types of grains are a new addition and that's why we don't need them. Very good point. Let's stray away from all change and become more "natural" and go back to "our roots" as human beings. That's why I'm on the all brontosaurus and veggie diet.Celiac disease is actually pretty important, it can be a very difficult thing to avoid if you're actually gluten intolerant instead of just a picky jerk looking for attention.That's really what all of it is, in my opinion. All these crazy self-imposed dietary restrictions with no morals behind them like paleo, gluten free, and the like. The best thing about this craze is the increase of menus with gluten free options in restaurants. I have a cousin who can't eat gluten, not because she's annoying and trying to be unique, but because she has a medical condition. I guess she's the ultimate hipster because she avoided gluten before it was cool.I don't see why these people want to adopt the lifestyle of someone who has a medical condition. You wouldn't wear glasses if you didn't need them.6602032769_7e42c5518b_zEr, nevermind. But I mean, you don't see me strutting around in an electric wheelchair because it's trendy, do you?Oh wait, yes you do. Here is a picture of me in Wal-Mart riding the electric cartsBut in all seriousness, I think that the gluten free craze is a good thing, it helps people who actually have a dietary restriction to be able to go out more and eat gluten free foods in restaurants worry-free. However, like all trends, it comes to an end. But I don't want restaurants to stop offering these menus because I know people who actually have this as a medical dietary restriction.So that's why this week's dream of being hip is for those who claim to be gluten intolerant to actually develop celiac's disease so that these menus do not disappear.


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