A State of Dance : All About That Groove

PizzaFM Blog PostFor the next Monday show, we're gonna do a re-visit of the second broadcast and focus on some vocal, some groovy, deeper housey stuff~~The track that embodies what I really want to bring out is Style of Eye's "More Than A Lover". Just a clean little vocal mix with a beat that makes you want to jump around, move around a bit, and get going!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ahSnRpM9FII want to do a revisit because it was a bit shaky getting the equipment back in the studio, and the mix didn't quite feel how I wanted :P. I bring down a Numark NV to do the show, so I'm able to spin, match beats, throw on some effects, and overall pull some tight transitions throughout the show! It's a great stress reliever for my week, and I encourage anyone else that has a love for electronic music to go and give it a shot. I think I did my first few shows with just iTunes or something autoplaying in the background, but electronic music I feel is really meant to be mixed in a live setting. It's a different feeling to be, as Carl Cox puts it, "riding by the seat of your pants" in the mix. The next track isn't determined by a playlist or what someone else says works well, it's how the music is making you and/or the audience feel at the moment! But I digress, heh.

WP_20150209_20_59_50_ProThe Numark NV rocking it @ A State of Dance

The flip for this week is a track that popped up on a Trap channel surprisingly? It isn't what I'm used to seeing on a Trap channel; it's pretty slick-tastic and worthy of this upcoming show. This is Skin Contest by ABSRDST, featuring JSTJR. No drops, no wubby basslines, just smooth one-two step little thing going on and some euphoric vocals going off in the background.[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/169888873" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]Preview list for the week:http://open.spotify.com/user/alyxx_/playlist/6Cz2H28NsFe1CbrxeIyKp8Side note: I do try to keep these genre shows limited to genres I have a collection of...Unfortunately I don't have the entire internet downloaded on my drive; instead, I download stuff that I enjoy mixing and would actually intend on playing out if I get a gig (anyone out there? :) ). I primarily revolve around most genre of house music, with occasional bouts of DnB, Trance, and Dubstep, but those three aren't my primary genres. Just something to keep in mind as we go along :), there'll be more themes coming that won't necessarily revolve a genre as well! Don't hesitate to shoot me a message at alx_inbox@outlook.com if you want to suggest themes or tracks!


Trust me, I'm a Professional #1


A State of Dance : Perpetual Bounce