A State of Dance : Perpetual Bounce

PizzaFM Blog Post

Hi everyone! This is ALYXX, the DJ behind the electronic dance show "A State of Dance" (8PM-9PM Mondays). I'm hoping to turn this blog into a kind of stream of consciousness about what I've been listening to this week as I did for music, and you'll get a sneak peek about how we're theming the upcoming show too! If you haven't tuned in before, I play a blend of the latest as well as undiscovered electronic dance music on air; last week, we followed a theme of Deep House, which was a blast if you happened to have tuned in! I mix the show totally freestyle with a DJ setup; no playlist, no top 10, just me and the decks!

We got jumpy this week with some Bounce House; it's a kind of blanket term I use to apply to a variety of big room music, and it's one of my favorite "genres" of music. The defining feature for me is that it has to have a bouncy, kind of up and down movement to the bassline. Think Melbourne Bounce bangers, some of the more progressive Big Room House tracks, and some of your harder Progressive House tracks.

The trademark track for this that's been going through my head is Jay Karama's "Torment". He's a relatively new on my radar, popping up in my view when I was browsing my record pool this week, but this track instantly had that "it" factor for me. It's got a very engaging, bouncy, but very classy rhythm to it. By classy I mean it's fresh...but yet, it's still Big Room. It's getting harder and harder to nail that with Big Room House as the genre matures; every time I'm browsing for music I always hit a few tracks that make me think "Oh, this guy is just imitating copying W&W's sound" or "This is just classic Ummet Ozcan". This one is the stuff I'm looking for when I'm browsing, keeping it real here!

[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/188049484" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]

I'm also going to be putting up a sample playlist down below on the doodeleedoo. It's not exactly what I'm playing, how I'm gonna play it, but it'll represent the theme of the week. It's there so you can get a feel for it before you tune in, and tell all your friends who like Bounce House or whatever genre to tune in this week :) It'll typically be Spotify, but if I have time, I'll try to whip up a live mixed version on YouTube for you guys too!

If you listen to my past shows though, you'll know that I really like to play off of themes, with the mixer being right there in front of me and all. I used to incorporate a "flip" track on the hour, where I'd change genres over to a new feeling on the spot. I'll want to try to bring that "flip" track I used to do here to the blog, since I'm trying to follow a stricter theme on the show now.

This post's flip track is the Indecent Noise Hard Mix of Arctic Moon's Revolution. This is hailing from my other favorite genre, Dark/Psy Trance, but with a crazy little bounce step to it that I can't get enough of! I do remember hearing of Arctic Moon a few years back when he was starting actually. He made some good epic trance before, but now he's moved on to some amazing vocal trance, and is starting to rock the ranks with the man Armin Van Buuren himself! Inspiring, to say the least.

[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/165772467" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]

Keep rocking!


Preview Playlist for 2-9-15



A State of Dance : All About That Groove


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