Show Preview: Halloween Cover Shows at Error Records
Hey you, are you looking for a freaking fantastic way to spend your Halloween weekend? Then look no further!Champaign's own Error Records is hosting not one, but TWO cover shows on Thursday and Friday. A couple of nights filled with "black metal, soda-drinking, martians, and drag queens," as Error Records owner Nathan Landolt describes, this shindig looks like it will be a new addition to the myriad of traditions among the C-U punks, the first festival of its kind for the up-and-coming all-ages venue that has been in existence for over six months now."I wanted to do something for the best holiday of the year," Nathan says in booking the event, "so I asked a bunch of my friends if their bands would like to cover better bands and hoped that people would be into the idea. It seems like people are pretty excited."While Nathan has yet to find a costume for himself - "if I have time, I will be a juggalo," he later commented - guests of the show are invited to dress up for the occasion. In fact, both shows are $3 at the door, but free for patrons who come out to Error donned in their costumes. To make the night even more interesting, prizes will be awarded for those wearing the best costumes.The shows feature nine different local acts covering some of your favorite artists ranging in spookiness from The Cure and Sufjan Stevens to the likes of The Misfits and the legendary Black Sabbath. Fortunate enough for me, I was able to get a hold of a couple participants and discuss with them the shows' festivities. Here's what Tyler Alan Day of Hometown Heavyweights had to say, whose band will be covering Brand New on Friday:What can show-goers expect of your set?
We are playing seven songs from Brand New's first two albums. People at the November 1st show can expect to hear Deja Entendu and Your Favorite Weapon songs alternating, us trying to sing as high as Jesse Lacey, and Jake messing up the lead in "Seventy Times Seven."What are you most looking forward to of either show/both shows?I'm personally most looking forward to Earth Witch's Sabbath set on the 31st. Second most excited for seeing Nick Brannock in drag.What are you dressing up as?I'm dressing up as my own doppelganger who thinks he's too good/old/broke/lazy to go out and put effort into a real costume (and also thinks his band can play Brand New songs). I also spoke with Ivan Catron on some similar topics. Ivan will be fronting two of the bands playing this Thursday: Earth Witch, who has recently released their Earthbound EP and will be covering Black Sabbath; and Orange Soda, who looks to deliver more of the same that they had in store for Hobgob, except this time as Devo.
A complete list of the bands participating can be seen below. As is the case for all shows at Error Records, all ages are invited to attend, with doors opening at 7pm and the show beginning at 8pm on both nights.Thursday, October 31:Ode Vinter as BURZUMOrange Soda as DEVOTeenage Martians as THE MISFITSEarth Witch as BLACK SABBATHFriday, November 1:Old Fox Road as RAMSHACKLE GLORYNick Brannock (Enta) as LAURA JANE GRACE (Against Me!)Cassius as SUFJAN STEVENSHometown Heavyweights as BRAND NEWBookmobile as THE CURE