Dreams of Being Hip: Office Space
I just started an internship and I noticed immediately that I was the only hipster in my department. On the first day, the other interns were getting to know each other. One of my fellow interns brought up music and I just decided to sit this one out because I don't like to have to explain the difference between hardcore and skramz. They talked of their love for Macklemore and some other bands I hadn't even heard of.
I realized at this point that what I listen to was so far removed from their music, that what they listen to sounded obscure to me. However, I later discovered it was typical top 40 stuff.
It's a weird thing when you realize as a young hip individual, that the things your peers all are able to discuss and relate to are completely foreign to you. The same way that if I told them I can't decide which album I like more between "Oh No! It's Devo" or "Shout" by Devo, they would share furrowed brows and confused smirks.

It was a strange situation because as someone who would probably be considered musically savvy in the independent scene, I was completely out of my element discussing music most people would know. I mean, I don't care but it was just weird. Best part about it: I found out PSY had a new song.

Photo courtesy of Anz-i