How did we get here?: Sean Neumann

Sean NeumannI got a chance to talk to Sean Neumann for this segment.  If you haven't met him yet, you should. He just finished up his freshman year at the U of I, and I would mark him as one of the most genuinely nice people that I've met in this music scene. I saw him play with his band Single Player for the first time at our very own Benefit Show this past winter. And, my friends and I agreed that he resembled an angel singing his heart out at Mike N Mollys that night. He also plays with Easter and has written a lot about Illini Women's Softball. Unfortunately, I was only able to reach him by e-mail so I have a less impressive interview for you today. Anyway, here's a rad talk with Sean Neumann:JT: What all music-related things are you currently involved in?SN: I work at Polyvinyl Records Co., two jobs at The Daily Illini, I write for buzz, I play guitar with Easter and then I write my own music and play with friends under the band name Single Player and another band called Bellicose Isle that never plays shows.JT: Do you have any previous music groups? You can go back in your life as far back as you're willing to go.SN:The first real band I played in was called The Articulators. I also played in a band called Portland, then Bellicose Isle, Single Player, and now Easter too.JT: How did you first get involved in music?SN: Pretty much every part of my life has trickled down from my friend Jake Karlson and his friends growing up. Even the way I laugh could be traced back to him. He would get into something, then his brother Josh (who is my age and my best friend growing up) would get into it and then Josh would get us into it too. One of the most important things that trickled down was getting into different types of music and starting bands. We'd see the older kids do it, and then we would want to do it too.JT: What would you say is your most interesting story from the music world?SN: Uhhh, I don't really have any cool stories. I've hit my head a few times on ceiling fans and met all of my best friends from music. I guess an alright story is when Easter played with Wavves in December, I kept ding-dong-ditching their “dressing room” about 10 or 15 times within the span of a few minutes and they didn't take too kindly to that. But I used to play sports a lot, so I guess being a pretty fast runner comes in handy in those situations.JT: If you could tell your five year old self anything, what would it be?SN: "On October 14th, 2003, do NOT watch the Cubs game.”JT: Any other super interesting stories or last minute thoughts?SN: I don't know. Everyone's cool in C-U and has been really accepting of me as a newcomer. It's all cool.JT: Thanks a whole bunch for doing this, Sean! I'm excited for what you're going to make in the future.


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