Dreams of Being Hip: My Dad

A Very Special Father's Day Dream of Being Hip

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers reading my blog and to the ones who aren't (like my dad).


I need to get my dad something for Father's Day. For the purpose of this blog post, I'm going to pretend he's a hipster dad. So, I need to get really crafty and hip here to figure out what to get him.


So yeah, my dad was just chilling listening to Toro y Moi and asked me if I've even ever heard of them. I said I knew the one song and he told me I'm so entry-level and that song isn't even relevant anymore.


Even though the hipster version of my dad I just made up is really pretentious, I need to focus on the actual version of my dad who isn't, and think of what to get him as a gift.


A great thing to get someone for a gift is 1) something they need, 2) a thing that will make something they do easier, 0r 3) something they were going to get for themselves, but you got for them.


My actual dad and the hipster version of my dad have one thing in common. They both really like Flintstones' chewable gummy vitamins. So, I'm going to follow through on #3 here and get him some so he doesn't have to take a trip to the store.


You may think that's weird of me to get my dad vitamins as a gift, but that's because your parents are mainstream-plebs and we're ultra-hip. That's why this week's dream of being hip is to buy my dad Flintstones' gummy vitamins for Father's Day.




BONUS: Here's an album I like by My Dad

Video: Blue Hawaii – “Reaction II”


How did we get here?: The ghost of Louis Armstrong