Dreams of Being Hip: Going Green
When you've been a hipster for awhile, you look for new ways to be a hipster. You must move onto greener pastures and find other ways to be on top of things. One of the new things I'm trying, is to be more green.I'm talking about saving the environment. Saving all of it...
Yeah, that whale is hurting. Just kinda laying there... That's not what being green is all about.
Panda's can not find proper nutrients and must eat other animals at times to survive. It results in the atrocities seen above...
Do otters even need saving? I don't know, but we're saving them!So you may be going, "This is great. I'm hip. I'm green. How can we do this?" Well, I don't know. Hipsters already do a lot of things that help us to save the environment.
- Fixed gear bicycles
- Organic stuff
- Recycled stuff
- Buying from salvation army (That's recycling!)
- Going vegetarian/vegan
- Growing beards (This saves water!)
And a whole bunch of other stuff probably ends up being good for the environment... So what are some things hipsters can do to help the environment more?We can either clean up or just plain ole not litter at festivals!Speaking of littering, how about not dropping cigarette butts on the ground? And how about quitting smoking? The fumes and waste produced by smoking are not so great for the environment. And imagine the sense of hipster smugittude you can have when you tell people you quit.Go from this:
To this:
And that's why this week's dream of being hip is to get all hipsters to stop being contradictory by doing some environmentally friendly things but throwing others out the window.