Dreams of Being Hip: Food

I moved back to the suburbs of Chicago to live with my parents this summer while I have an internship and I gotta tell y'all, I love it here. It's so nice, it's clean, it's safe and it's boring. The boringness makes it a lot easier for me to be hip. Lately, the biggest thing I've been doing to hip it up is carrying around a loaded cap gun for comedic measure.One thing I can't get all hip about here is food. There aren't many small places like Manolo's in Urbana or The Wormhole Coffee shop in Wicker Park. So, I've gotta get creative. I'm cooking a lot, that seems to be doing it. And, I need to know: what are the hippest foods you can cook? Here are a few of the things I've been cooking:1.These bad boys are delicious. You take a package of brownie mix, pour in a 12-ounce diet coke, stir and bake for 5-10 minutes longer than normal. They stay moist for about a week after you make them and never get stale. Best of all, it's super low in calories. I'd highly recommend it.2. KaleI love to eat kale. I take a few leaves of it and chop it up. Then, put a 3rd or a full tablespoon of olive oil on a small pan and put your kale in it. Move the kale around so it gets olive oil all over it. Finally, put on some salt to taste. This stuff is delicious and no one will ever expect that you know how to cook kale, so that's really hip. Do it.3. Banana pancakeRoll with me on this one, it's pretty out there. Take a coffee mug, half a banana and an egg. Crack the egg in the mug with the half banana and mix it with a fork until the consistency of pancake batter. Pour that on a pan, flip once, and eat, even with a small scoop of ice cream if you want it for dessert.Make these three things and your friends won't be able to even believe how hip you are. Or, how good a cook you are.




How did we get here?: Aaron Shults