How did we get here?: Aaron Shults

Aaron ShultsI got the chance to hang out with Aaron Shults for five hours while sitting outside of Exile On Main Street. We were waiting for a chance to buy Neutral Milk Hotel tickets. Before playing a game of Ticket to Ride, we were able to get an interview in. This is that interview. JT: Could you list all the musical things you're involved in?AS: I'm Aaron Shults, I play in bands Kowabunga! Kid, I play in Easter sometimes, this hardcore band Need, the best band in the world The Tyrants, a surf rock band. I started a label called Rat King Records, and also I work at Polyvinyl Records.JT: Do you have any other past things you've done, and this can go as far back as you are willing to go.AS: When I was in 4th grade I wanted to play cello, but my mom told me no, I had to play the bass because it was free to rent. But she told me if I did that then she would give me an electric bass, so once I got that in 5th grade I started just like, this crappy little band with my friends called Eric and the Sea Suckers.JT: Who didn't have that crappy band?AS: Yeah, yeah. And we just covered Party Hard and then we stopped being a band. We didn't play it live, but I think that's about as far back as it goes.JT: You have any other good projects?AS: In high school, I did kind of like a glam-rock thing for a while. I was really into David Bowie and like, T-Rex and stuff. So, I'd put makeup on and wear sparkles from Salvation Army and stuff.JT: How would you say you got into music?AS: My older brother definitely. I feel like that's probably everybody's answer, their older sibling. He used to go to shows when he was in middle school and high school. Then by the time I was in middle school, I started tagging along. I had been borrowing his CDs from bands he'd go see. And so I knew all these songs, and they were big bands in my eyes. And finally getting to see this local band The Amazing Kilowatts and The Jetset, I was just starstruck. And now I talk to those people pretty regularly.JT: I definitely know exactly what you mean. What was the first CD or cassette that you owned?AS: The first CD or cassette that I remember owning is The Vitamin C. I don't know what it's called. The self-titled one. The one with Graduation and Smile and stuff.JT: What was the coolest experience you've had in music?AS: I played in the Peoria Jazz Band when I was in high school, and for some reason we played at the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame. I feel like that's always my go-to thing, but really we played in the lobby of it. My music teacher set it up. It was cool. We got to go in for free. I got to look at David Bowie's clothes, and I was just staring at it. The Ashes to Ashes costume if you're familiar with that music video. Also, me and Kowabunga! Kid just got to go on a longer tour last winter where we went down to Florida and some states I'd never been to before like West Virginia and the Carolinas, so that's really cool. Orlando's like the coolest place in the world.JT:  What made it so cool?AS: The people are straight out of a catalog. They're beautiful, they're cool, they're hip, it's awesome. I thought it'd be weird because I associate that with Disney and stuff, but there's a pretty tight scene there.JT: Is there anything else you want the Pizza FM readers to know?AS: They should know about Error Records. I think that's a really great place that's opened up. It's really cool what he's doing. Especially after the whole C-U Collective thing came and went. It's really cool that Nathan took the initiative and the leadership to do something on his own. And I think that place is just gonna take off.


Dreams of Being Hip: Food


There's going to be pizza