Dreams of Being Hip: Dead Birds

What is the deal with hipsters putting pictures of dead birds on Instagram? This isn't like an isolated incident. Yesterday, someone I know posted a picture of one and my reaction wasn't "wow, that's weird and quirky what a hipster goofball!" it was "jeez, another? let's get original here."Here's one:Ah artsySurely this is kinda isolated, right? There can't be THAT many dead birds on Instagram, right?You'd be wrong.I like what you've done with the blue hereOh, maybe we'll get a little lo-fi here? Very nice use of dead space.Get it? DEAD SPACE?!The almost subliminal tinges of red that are destroyed by the filter.This one is Very nice.I like how you've positioned the dead bird next to the garbage. Very symbolic or something, right? Now, you're probably wondering: "Matt, if you think all these dead bird pictures are stupid, why are you posting a bunch of them?" Well, the answer is that the best way to show someone something you don't like is to obsess over it and show them all you can. Subject them to the very thing you dislike.Which is kind of a thing hipsters do in general. When they dislike something, they sort of just talk about it til it's dead but they still care and no one else does. Kind of like how many dead birds I just posted.That's why this week's dream of being hip is for hipsters to stop beating their dislikes into people through social media.He's not dead, he's just sleeping! 


Caitlin Rose covers The National's "Pink Rabbits"


Recap in Crayon: MusicFestNW, Day 4