Caitlin Rose covers The National's "Pink Rabbits"

Caitlin-Rose-bannerNashville singer/songwriter Caitlin Rose gives all music fans experiencing love-related angst a pleasant way to brood with her recently released cover of The National’s “Pink Rabbits.”  In the original version of this single, from the melancholy indie rock band’s latest album Trouble Will Find Me, Matt Beringer sings about his lady love downing a lot of frou-frou alcoholic beverages (known as “pink rabbits”) and muses metaphorically about his own heartbreak with the usual jaded retrospection.  So, kudos to Rose, a fan of releasing covers (including, but not limited to: Arctic Monkeys’ “Piledriver Waltz” and Rolling Stones’ “Dead Flowers”), for successfully transforming yet another tale of heartbreak into a vaguely cheery country tune for the masses to simultaneously cry to and smile about.  Rose headed out on tour this past week to promote The Stand-In, released in March of 2013, and arrives stateside after a few shows in the U.K.  Take a listen to Caitlin Rose's stellar cover below.


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