Dreams of Being Hip: BIKE LANE
I wrote a blog a few weeks ago about finally getting a bike. Biking is an essential thing to being a hipster. What kind of bike you have as well plays a role. The classic hipster bike is of course: The Fixie.Now to most, biking is just a thing used to get from point A to point B. For some, it is much more than that. It's liberation and freedom. Also, it's a great source for some hilarious jokes. Lately, I've been getting into biking with the help of my friend Alex (pictured above). He's great. Really into biking. In fact, he biked across the country for cancer research with a group on campus called The Illini 4000.He's good at bikes. Which is a weird thing, like all aspects of it. Even the hipster bike pics:
As you can see from the picture above, I'm not as good of a biker. I have a normal road bike and Alex rides a fixie and takes pictures like this. Now, I may not be the best biker in Urbana, but I sure do face the same struggles that you guys do. Like riding your bike on those bike lanes in the quad that go behind Foellinger? You know the ones. The thin lanes that have the grass patch in between they run south of Smith and Greg Hall. Why do people walk on those? I'll never understand. And crossing when people are walking? Get out of here. My nightmare that's for sure. If only there was a way for pedestrians to always know where the bike lane is...
This is the ultimate bike light. It creates a bike lane wherever you go. You can yell "BIKE LANE!" and always be right. It's a great feeling reserved for a few brave hipsters.Alas, I don't have a connection to get this bike light...And that's why this week's dream of being hip is for bike lanes to never be congested with pedestrians and when it is, I have another dream of being able to yell "BIKE LANE" with the ferocity of 5 Neutral Milk Hotel fans at the reunion this next Tuesday.