Benefit Shows Are Cool!


As a non-profit college radio station, Pizza FM needs a little help to bring mounds of music to you good people.  What better way for a radio station to do this than to have some benefit shows?!  There are two this weekend, one at Error Records, and the other at God's House.  The shows are Friday, October 18th, and Saturday, October 19th, respectively.  So come check them out and help support your favorite local radio station/music blog!

Error Records Show

First up in this weekend's one-two-punch of benefit shows is the show taking place on Friday the 18th at Error Records.  It will feature the likes of crooning Emily Otnes and the Weekdays, Opus Dog, Finer Feelings, and The Phantom Broadcast.  This show begins at 7 pm and has a $5 suggested donation.  Be sure to come out and catch all the great acts.

God's House Show

Not much for moderately late nights?  Well then stop by for day two of Pizza FM's benefit show combo, this time at 3 pm on October 19th at God's House.  This will be a more laid-back collection of acoustic acts.  These acts include Single Player, Nathan Christensen, Jon Tracey, Kevin Conroy, and Chrissy Ruiz.  The suggested donation for this show is $3, and free snacks will be a thing.

Want more info on either show? Check out the event pages on Facebook.

Error Records Show

God's House Show


Our Chart: 10/6/2013 - 10/13/2013


Dreams of Being Hip: BIKE LANE