Dreams of Being Hip: What Even Is There To Do in Urbana?

Hey Matt, you're going to be a senior this year! Wow! Time Flies! You should enjoy it! When do you go back?I'm going back next week, Wednesday.WHAT?! That's so early! What will you even do there?

Is there anything to do in Champaign-Urbana? That's the question I've been battling with the last few weeks when I tell someone I'm going back to school early.No one seems to have any clue why I would possibly want to go back to a college town where most of my friends live, so I guess I'll explain a few things about why Champaign-Urbana and U of I is awesome... for hipstersOne of my favorite things on campus is the free modern art museum that is constantly getting new pieces. I check it out once a month and I hardly see the same thing twice!What's going on here? That looks cool!There really is a lot to explore, even if you aren't supposed to...Keep out? Good luck...It's hard to have a cake and wine birthday celebration without being surrounded by hippies. Try it anywhere else, they won't be as welcoming or understanding.Typical TuesdayB-but Matt, who is even there in the summer? Uh well a lot of people raise chickens in their backyards so I'll just chill with them.But they're so qtAlso there are a ton of nice hippies around who will talk to me, like this guy:I don't know how I have this photoChampaign-Urbana is where I've done everything the last 3 years. Friends, stand-up comedy, and Pizza FM.Look at us! That's Pizza FM!I'm also pretty close to winning some money back at schoolI'm so close, team up with me, we'll split it. Speaking of money, everything is so cheap in Champaign-Urbana. I can go out for a night, have a few beers, play pool, have some food maybe and spend at most $25. Try that in Chicago or another big city.Best of all the $5 all you can party evenings in friends houses leave you with the best stories even if you're not going out to drink.Nothing really beats a UIUC party in terms of classic college experience:College is wackyWhere else can I go night time biking into cornfields at midnight?Screen Shot 2014-07-31 at 10.21.57 AM I've got one year left of college and all this wackiness, if I want an extra month back on campus to enjoy it while I can, what's the problem?Basically, Champaign-Urbana is where I've set up my life for the past 3 years. I've made friends, enemies, and memories; it's become my home. I have to give it up to the University of Illinois, or as I like to call it, The University of Ill.Screen Shot 2014-07-31 at 10.21.27 AMAnd that's why this week's dream of being hip is for people to understand Champaign-Urbana is not a dead town and that's why I'm going back soooo early.


New Music Munchtime 30


Dreams of Being Hip: Netflix is Hurting My Hipness