Weekly Mouthful: Midas the Crow

Often times, different media outlets will attempt to differentiate their video content by adding a weird n' wacky spin so people will say, "Hey! They're doin' something different!" Well, we're no different. This is The Weekly Mouthful, a video series featuring interviews with artists as they eat pizza.

Midas the Crow - Weekly Mouthful

Back in the day, Justin Larkin fronted metal bands, providing vocals for loud, distortion-heavy, thrash-worthy music unfit for the faint of heart. Nowadays, Justin Larkin is all about reaching the heart under his all-acoustic, singer-songwriter moniker Midas the Crow. Upon moving to Champaign-Urbana from Springfield, MO in August, Midas the Crow has written and recorded several songs in his basement using a couple broken USB microphones and an old DAW. But, whether it's due to a great deal of recording savvy or the ear-grabbing intimacy of his music, the basement is hardly noticeable, if at all.In just a few short months, Midas the Crow has become an active performer and audience member in Champaign-Urbana's local scene, collaborating with several other singer-songwriters like Elisnore's Ryan Groff and hooking up with CU's Singer-Songwriter Collective. Whether it's a performance at The CU Folk and Roots Festival or a last-minute booking at a small bar show, Midas the Crow is happy to share his music with those who'll listen. And, whoever does listen is sure to get a good show.In this installment of The Weekly Mouthful, Midas the Crow discusses switching from being a metal head to a singer-songwriter, his recent move to Champaign and its impact on his music, and more, while eating a delectable slice of pizza. You can watch the video below and catch him with Mike Reeb and Discoverer at Mike n' Molly's on Saturday, February 16.



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