Tonight: Pygmalion Music Festival, Day Two

Out of the three days of this year's Pygmalion, today is relatively easy on the scheduling. Where last night saw a fair amount of overlap between three different venues, tonight's three shows are pretty decently staggered. The main issue is the distance between the two main venues: Downtown Urbana and Canopy Club. So, advice? Know your festival and bus schedules, have a bike handy, or figure out some rides.Conflicts:

  • Half of Withershins (Canopy Club) with half of Tennis (Downtown Urbana)
  • Half of An Evening With Your Mother (Canopy Club) with part of Dirty Projectors (Downtown Urbana)
  • All of Zeus (Canopy Club) with part of Dirty Projectors
  • Dirty Projectors end right when Hospitality (Canopy Club) starts
  • All of Hundred Waters (Channing-Murray) with part of Best Coast (Canopy Club)
  • Julia Holter (Channing-Murray) starts right when Best Coast ends, but the venues are pretty close.

Now, for a rundown:

Downtown Urbana (Green and Broadway - by Black Dog)

Who: My Werewolf Diary, Elsinore, Tennis, Dirty ProjectorsFirst band plays at: 6:15 p.m.Cost: $25 at the gateI haven't spoken to a single person with a festival wristband say he or she is skipping out on Dirty Projectors. That might be because 2009's Bitte Orca is widely considered one of the best records of the 2000s. The recently released Swing Lo, Magellan sticks out as a pretty good contender for "best of 2012" lists, as well.A lot of solid alt. pop with a couple of CU locals (My Werewolf Diary is a New Ruins off-shoot, and we should all know Elsinore vt now).

Canopy Club

Who: Withershins, An Evening With Your Mother, Zeus, Hospitality, Lord Huron, Laetitia Sadier, Best CoastFirst band plays at: 8:15 p.m.Cost: $22 in advanceA couple more solid and pretty active locals kick off the night, capped off with garage pop-rock duo Best Coast, whose two records have not only been huge commercial and critical successes, but they're pretty rockin' as well. Remember all of those movies and TV shows that involve a school dance at which a live band is performing, and everyone is having a good time (when we know, in reality, schools typically hire really cheap DJs, and hardly any fun is had). It's like that, but with all the high school lameness replaced with heaps of hipness and no policies against alcohol consumption.


Who: Hundred Waters, Julia HolterFirst band plays at: 1:00 a.m. (Saturday, technically)It's the weekend, so you don't really need sleep, and you won't use up much energy on Hundred Waters or Julia Holter, because it's very mood-heavy. Ambiance, and all that jazz, but not really any jazz. Hundred Waters goes glitchy, light electronic, and Julia Holter warps folk and makes it gorgeous-(er). Do it.


Recap: Pygmalion Music Festival 2012, Days Two and Three


Recap: Pygmalion Music Festival, Day One