Grandkids is one of those bands that sort of exemplify why the CU music scene is so awesome. It's an opportunity to, in the future, be able to say, “I knew them before all those other jerks knew them.” For that reason, I was pretty excited to see them play with locals Anna Karenina/Anna Karina and Lafayette's Faux Paw at Mike n’ Molly’s on Thursday.The show opened with locals Anna Karenina/Anna Karina. While I was at first disappointed that it wasn’t the Danish film actress/director/screenwriter Anna Karina, I was pleasantly surprised to hear a band that forced my hips to sway in a manner, which experts on-scene declared to be “dancing.”Faux Paw (pronounced Fox Paw) went up next. It’s rare to see a band so polite. I wrote down in my notes that someone at some point said, “Can I get more vocal? I don’t mean to bug you or anything.” How polite is that? Pretty darn polite if you ask me.I couldn’t figure out what they reminded me of until they played a cover of Fleetwood Mac’s "Rhiannon." It reminded me of my dad driving me to soccer practice in 6th grade. The whole set felt like a fun, more modern (or at least less 70s/80s) spin on Fleetwood Mac.Finally, we came to Grandkids, whose set was no exception from their usual fun antics. With guitarist Evan Metz playing through a bout of mono (why the hell did he come out to play that show?), the band played some of their well-known, hip tunes and debuted a few new ones. Frontlady Vivian McConnell encouraged dancing, to which the crowd obliged, and fun was had by all participants.Check out some photos from the show, below. All photos by Yarden Trace: