Out Today: October 2, 2012

Every Tuesday is album release day (as well as video games, movies, etc.), but on a day so far from the weekend, it's a good feeling to wake up to some brand, spankin' new music.

The Mountain Goats - Transcendental Youth (Merge)John Darnielle has put out a whole bunch of records, and despite their typically minimalist nature and admitted tendency to use the same chords and structure over and over again, the records never get old. Darnielle makes a point of telling fantastic stories to very fitting music, and while it isn't going to be a pop record in the least bit, Transcendental Youth will be jam-packed with engaging and very listenable content.Stream it here.

Matt and Kim - Lightning (Fader)So Matt and Kim had that one super catchy song a few years back, grouping them with those other one-hit wonder "indie" bands the kids seem to like these days. But what sets them apart from lame-Os like Foster the People is Matt and Kim's tendency to do interesting things that make them pretty darn engaging. You can pick a Matt and Kim song out of the over-saturated indie-pop market, and that's a pretty impressive feat these days.Stream it here.

Flying Lotus - Until the Quiet Comes (Warp)Flying Lotus, aka Steven Ellison, is one of the most respected names in pop electronic composition, and he's earned it. The intricacies of his music woven through obscured pop rhythms, dubstep, hip hop, whatever else, further prove that the electronic music industry has gotten pretty fucking cool. This record is, indeed, pretty trippy, with only subtle hints of hoppy.Stream it here.

Dark Dark Dark  - Who Needs Who (Supply & Demand)The first time I heard Dark Dark Dark, I got the shivers and nearly peed. Granted, I was a naive high schooler, but day-um if that accordion and alto vocals don't get to you each time you hear "In Your Dreams." The band has a knack for recreating that "haunting" feeling people tend to flock to when searching for something beautiful, but it's not for the sake of listenership; Dark Dark Dark just owns a sound that's pretty dark, dark, dark. And, I love it.


Tilly and the Wall - Heavy Mood (Team Love)Tilly and the Wall seems like one of the only mildly successful bands to come out of Omaha that has never, ever been on Saddle Creek. Though, it certainly has its ties with Conor Oberst and company. There's that whole indie-pop-folk element and the tendency for everything to sound reaaalll good. I have high hopes for this record, and can't wait for some more crazy cool pop hooks and background horn riffs.Stream it here. 


Weekly Mouthful: So Many Dynamos


Recap: David Liebe Hart at The Black Sheep, 9.28.12