New Music Tuesday - 6/25/13
Sometimes, I find it surprising that I'm able to find 3 awesome albums every week! There's just that much music out there.Mavis Staples - One True Vine You may have heard of her from her recent soulful collaborations with Wilco and Jeff Tweedy. Well, One True Vine is sure to show the music scene what they've been missing in the world of RnB. Also, this isn't her first rodeo. This is LP #14 (whoa!). She's 73 years old, and still going strong. Bonus: This one's also produced by Tweedy, if you're jonesing for some Wilco in there.Neosignal - Raum und Zeit
Oh yeah, it's time for some seriously good Drum 'n' Bass. It's been a long journey, through techno, breaks, dubstep, trap. But, this one pure and simple form of rage-tronic has prevailed. Supported by artists like Noisia, Black Sun Empire, and The Upbeats, this Dnb LP has been in the making for a while. With plenty of charting singles like "Planet Online", this one's sure to take off too. Check it out.Backstreet Boys - In A World Like This
Whoa Andy...what are you posting? Nope readers, this is not a joke. The Boys are back in town after a slight hiatus of about a decade. I've taken a listen to the lead single, "In A World Like This", and I was pleasantly surprised: it's different. Yes, it sounds incredibly poppy, but it struck a chord with me. And, I'll be interested as to how the album does. Ok, but from now on, back to the underground music.Remembered this time! Other new albums this week are:
- - Amon Amarth – Deceiver of the Gods
- - Bird Nest Roys – Me Want Me Get Me Need Me Have Me Love
- - Bosnian Rainbows – Bosnian Rainbows
- - Boys Noize - Go Hard (EP)
- - Candy Claws – Transitional Bird (Clever Girl)
- - The Clean – Vehicle )Reissue)
- - David Yow – Tonight You Look Like a Spider
- - Hausu – Total
- - Jerry Garcia – GarciaLive Volume Two: August 5th, 1990 Greek Theatre
- - Joe Goddard (of Hot Chip) – Taking Over (EP)
- - Kölsch - 1977
- - Light Heat – Light Heat
- - Lightning Dust – Fantasy
- - Locrian – Return to Annihilation
- - Mandolyn Mae – Once
- - Matias Aguayo - The Visitor
- - Mavis Staples – One True Vine
- - Mood Rings – VPI Harmony
- - Mylets – Retcon (Physical Release)
- - Nate Young – Blinding Confusion
- - oOoOO - Without Your Love
- - Palms – Palms
- - Rose Windows – The Sun Dogs
- - Royal Canoe – Today We’re Believers
- - Sebadoh – Secret (EP) (Physical Release)
- - Selebrities – Lovely Things
- - Serengeti – Kenny Dennis
- - Skillet – Rise
- - Smith Westerns – Soft Will
- - Stephen Kellogg – Blunderstone Rockery
- - Stone Gossard – Moonlander
- - The Transplants – In a Warzone
- - Wale – The Gifted
- - Wise Blood – id