New Music 8/6/13
WHOOAAAA it's been a while! Last week I was pretty ill, my apologies. Here are three albums ya missed last week:AlunaGeorge - Body Musicf(x) - Pink TapeChimaira - Crown Of PhantomsOk. So catching up. Here's what's new this week. It's a week of collaborations!Moderat - IISo you might have heard, but basically Moderat = Modeselektor + Apparat. They already released a self-titled LP in 2009, so it looks like they're together for good. I can tell this one has some serious meaning behind it, based on a couple viewings of THIS, but basically this is among the new wave of great electronic albums of the new decade.
Barbarossa - BloodlinesJames Mathe has been around since 2007, but hasn't released an album since then. This new album sports a kind of early-2000s-indie-rock type feel, but as I listen to some of these songs, I'm starting to hear a lot more emotion and instrumental paradise in these. Cool stuff.
Explosions In The Sky & David Wingo - Prince Avalanche OSTDon't worry, I won't be offended if you've never heard of the movie before, but you GOTTA know EITS. It's surprising they haven't done soundtrack work before, but at the same time I can hear a little hesitance in the composition of it. That being said, it's still great listening. Might as well check out that trailer for the movie.