Fundraising, Fun-raising, Wowzers

This is our first post to our new "Progress" blog, where you'll learn everything you need to know about what's happening here at Pizza FM, with regards to the progress we're making on getting the stream off the ground, or anything else we feel like posting.Since this is the first post, let's recap some important things that may or may not have happened recently:

  • We now have a permanent space in Room 66 of Allen Hall, a dormitory on campus for students involved in the Unit One program. Pizza will continue to work with Allen Hall/Unit One to bring you the best possible content and events we can muster.
  • We recently launched an Indiegogo Campaign to help raise money for station equipment and Performance Rights Organization (PRO) licenses so we can start streaming ASAP. On Day Three, we've already raised $465 of our $2,000 goal. You can donate as well by clicking this link. Remember to share it with everyone you know!
  • SORF, the group in charge of divvying up a pool money reserved for Registered Student Organizations (like us!), is in the process of reviewing our request to receive funding for the above-mentioned PRO licenses, our broadcast console, and a subscription to College Music Journal. We should hear back from them by the end of the week, so keep your fingers crossed!
  •  Our Weekly Mouthful this week features Netherfriends. Watch him eat pizza, as he discusses Halloween, hip hop, and a lot more. Keep an eye out next Wednesday for a Weekly Mouthful featuring We Are the Willows.
  • The shows calendar is completely updated for November. E-mail if you feel we forgot about something.
  • Our very own VP Tyler Cochrane recapped last weekend's show with Empires, Warren Franklin, and Hank using beautifully done crayon drawings. Witness the work of a visionary, here. Keep an eye out for more of those.
  • In case you missed it, here is last Friday's playlist of new music, for those looking to listen to something other than Dio's "Holy Diver" (even though, that's a pretty good choice).

Other than that, we've just been working hard to get the station going. I'm not just saying that. I think I've lost more calories typing up e-mails for hours on end than I have diligently attempting to work out and fit into the second-hand pair of size 7 girl jeans I bought the other day.Thanks a lot for your continued support, and may you find happiness upon viewing this adorable baby sloth: 



New Music Munchtime: 11.02.12


Music Video: HEALTH - "Tears"