Weekly Mouthful: Netherfriends

Often times, different media outlets will attempt to differentiate their video content by adding a weird n' wacky spin so people will say, "Hey! They're doin' something different!" Well, we're no different. This is The Weekly Mouthful, a video series featuring interviews with artists as they eat pizza.
Chicago's Netherfriends is the project of sole member Shawn Rosenblatt. After touring for the last few years with only a few short breaks, Netherfriends is a master live-loop maker and room-recorder extraordinaire. Throughout his travels, he's been working on a project he refers to as the "Fifty States Project," for which he records one song in each state. While the songs aren't necessarily about the states themselves, Netherfriends manages to find friends and musicians in various locations to help him achieve this goal, and he's almost done. With the recent August release of his Middle America LP, and some hip-hop and cover endeavors on the side, Netherfriends expressed his goal to finish the project by the end of November, while he takes on a residency at Schuba's Tavern in Chicago, among other venues and cities.In this (spoooooky) installment of The Weekly Mouthful, Netherfriends discusses Halloween, vegetables, hip hop, his residency, and of course, his music. You can also stream Middle America in its entirety, below the video.



Tonight! The Dirty Feathers, Generation of Vipers, and more


Out Today: 10.30.12