Dreams of Being Hip: Too Hip for Hipsters
One of the problems I've come across as a super hipster is not being able to relate to other entry-level hipsters. For example, I'm pretty into South African hip-hop and I can't find many other hipsters to discuss it with.I mean sure, everyone can hold a pretty basic conversation because of Die Antwoord, but it's really not the same for a variety of reasons. First off, Die Antwoord is a total gimmick, they have to be. That or I'm just embarrassed that I got into this genre because of them.Die Antwoord is good and all but have you ever heard of Jack Parow? Probably not, unless you liked Die Antwoord's first album and saw some of the songs he was featured on.However, given the nature of the song, you might think he's some character created just for this song.The problem here is that it's a pirate themed song, about drinking, and they call out Jack Parow in the intro line, making it seem like a reference to that pirate with the similar name.Ok so you may know Jack Parow, but what about PHFat? PHFat is weird. When I first saw this video:I loved the song but I was also confused by PHFat. Because. . . why isn't Sedge Warbler listed as an artist on this song? PHFat confuses me because PHFat is the skinny blonde guy. But PHFat sometimes has Sedge Warbler in the songs too but they still just call it PHFat and don't say he's featured. Very confusing.The guy with the beard rapping in this song is Sedge Warbler:So what I understand here is that PHFat is a combination of Sedge Warbler and someone else. He's kinda cool though. South African hip-hop is cool. You know what I don't understand? Jack Parow. Just in general. What's with this guy? He's an amazing rapper, I could spend an entire post dissecting his lyrics and translating them to English to show you why he's better than almost any other American rapper.Instead, I think I'll talk about this.I mean, it's a little longer than usual. Maybe just irregular? That can't be intentional, can it?
That's a bit of a weird gimmick but it's kinda cool?
So this guy, Jack Parow, just like me is pretty out there. His style is really unknown and so is he and all of his friends. His friends and family must all describe him as really "osbscure."And that's why this week's dream of being hip is to tell people that my taste in music isn't obscure, it's esoteric.