Dreams of Being Hip: Hipster TV?
Are there any hipster TV shows that aren't on IFC? I mean, I know we all love Portlandia but is there anything else?
Let's figure out what the hipster TV show should be and all watch it. And by us, I mean me. At the end of this post we will hopefully all have a TV show we can like together.
I feel like the hipster shows of choice shouldn't be ones that cater directly to hipsters. Maybe like some type of day time TV show to perpetuate the stereotype of hipsters not having typical 9-5 jobs.
Ok so daytime shows, Maury, Jerry Springer, Court shows, Wheel of Fortune...
This isn't going anywhere. What do hipsters like. Uh... deals? I'm getting this from our love for thrift shops. So how about The Price is Right?
That show is pretty hip when you think about it. It's got bright colors and retro themed stuff.
On second thought. . . it's the Tyra Banks show. Debate me.