Dreams of Being Hip: Halloween

Halloween is an opportunity for hipsters to show off their creativity and exactly how much more creative they are than everyone else.  Even other hipsters.  What will you dress up as this Halloween?  A band member?  Macklemore?  Walter White?  An old cartoon character?  A modern cartoon character?  Something more abstract like a feeling or common saying?Here is a list of Halloween costumes I thought of for hipsters that you will have to save for next year considering this post goes up in November.1. Raining cats and dogs:Wear a sweater, take a cardboard cut out of a cloud and affix it to the top of of the sweater above your chest.  Cutout picture of cats and dogs and add them to the sweatshirt.2. Yellow bellyWhen someone asks why you're not dressed up, say you're scared of what people would say because you're yellow bellied.  Lift your shirt to reveal you've painted your shirt yellow.3. Charlie HorseWear a horse mask and a name-tag that says "Charlie."4. Put a sock in itWalk around with a box and when you see a drunk person at a party talking too much, tell them to put their sock in the box.5. Hush puppiesRun around trying to find dogs, when you find them go "shhh!" as loud as you can.  You've hushed the puppies.6. Hair of the dog that bit youDress up as a dog, go up to someone, bite them.  Plug your hair out and give it to them.  This one might get you "arrested," but it's fine.7. Better halfDraw a line down a T-shirt. Label one side "ok" label the other "better." Now you're probably wondering, "Matt wowza yous sure ares quites the costumes ideas guy.  Whats youse gonna dress ups as?" and yeah, you're from Brooklyn.  Me?  Well, I'm going as Subway Jared's Big Jeans.20131019_17200220131019_210434And that's why this week's dream of being hips is to go to a pun-themed halloween party where everyone is dressed up as a common phrase.


Our Chart: 10/27/2013 - 11/03/2013


How did we get here?: A Cool Hand