Dreams of Being Hip: Dream Fulfilled

This week I don't have a dream of the week, because I want to talk about a hipster dream I fulfilled this past week. I went to a large gathering at a friend's house and while standing on the front lawn, like hipsters at parties do, one of my friends (and former Pizza.FM'er, Tyler Durgan) pointed out to me that the house we were at is the house on the album cover of a very hipster band American Football.Click here to see the album cover:And a picture of the same house I took on my smartphone: AAAHI would've gone down the street less than a half block and taken another photo, but then you wouldn't really get the ambiance that was in the air when I found out. Now this was a hipster dream fulfilled for sure, it felt great. Then I talked to Pizza.FM's own Jon Tracey and he told me that his house in his home town is a few houses down from the picture of Cap'n Jazz in that one famous picture of them.Remember how I said there was no dream this week? That was the case, until I spoke with Jon. And that's why this week's dream of being hip is to buy every single house Cap'n Jazz ever preformed in, and never ever let anyone in them.


Show Recap: Laughboy, Panicsville, Slut River, Gnargoyle


New Music Tuesday - 8/27/13