Dreams of Being Hip: Desk Jobs

There's something about desk jobs that's really weird. It's so peaceful and everyone is really nice. No one is passive-aggressive and everyone is working towards a common goal: improving the company. For some reason, it doesn't speak to the hipster inside. I personally really like my desk job. And, I like crunching numbers in excel and strategizing. Probably because marketing is awesome and you can do a lot with it. It's not rigid. However, I imagine a lot of hipsters feel dead inside when they go to their office job.I mean look at it this way: you're the hippest person in the office without trying. Seriously, I said I don't like the Black Keys and I was revered as a music snob. It was the most amazing feeling a hipster could ask for. Almost as good as the Black Keys never making an album again. That's why this week's dream of being hip is watching your co-workers die inside while you put in the minimal effort to be the hippest person in the office.


Video: King Khan & The Shrines - "Darkness"


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