Dreams of Being Hip: Deleting duplicates in my iTunes library

Itunes Duplicates

Note: This column has absolutely no point.My digital music collection is respectable. Over my past several years of buying records and having gigabytes upon gigabytes of music sent to me from being the Assistant Music Director at a college radio station, the Music Editor of a magazine, and now the Executive Director of whatever the hell you can consider Pizza FM, I have accumulated almost 47,000 songs in my iTunes library (309.80 GB). Though, a couple years back, I noticed that these figures may be deceiving.Upon consolidating my library and transferring my music collection from one computer to an external hard drive to another computer, I noticed that as I scrolled through albums, almost every song I owned had a duplicate. Some, I shutter to think, even had triplicates and quadruplicates. "Brush, Brush, Brush," by of Montreal, a weekly staple of a former radio program, had at least 20 different clones. As I searched the Internet for a solution to this problem, I noticed that I wasn't alone, and that people had actually gone through entire lists of duplicates, deleted them within a short period of time and intense focus, and moved on with their lives.Over the summer, I finally decided to give it a shot. How long could it take...? My naivete was showing at levels unmatched by my epidermis. After several days of "showing my duplicates" and hammering away the same keyboard-mouse movements, "command+click+scroll," for hours at a time, I've finally made it to the "E's."Approximately 90 GB of my digital music library is a waste of space, but I refuse to give in. I believe that, in addition to having a collection of digital music ranging from awful-music-I-hate-and-will-never-listen-to to music I actually enjoy, maintaining a respectable music library which I can show to my peers is a step in a direction that will only lead me to a life of respect and hipness beyond my wildest imagination.So, if there is anyone out there willing to go through and delete my duplicates, feel free to contact me, and I will pay you in one mini Airhead/hour.


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