Dreams of Being Hip: Future-Proof Clothing

So currently, we hip young folks tend to dress in clothing we get from thrift shops. The coolest thing to wear is things from a few decades ago, preferably clothes from before we were born.I can't wear stuff from the '70s and '80s for my whole life, that's just ridiculous. I gotta stay hip to what was hip a few decades ago. So in the next decade, I guess I'll have to start wearing things from the '80s and '90s and calling that vintage. Isn't that weird? The '90s will be vintage. But, who am I kidding? I didn't grow up in the '90s. I was born then. But, I feel like most of my aging went on during the early 2000s.So, what about those of us who are in this hip thing for the long term? When I'm a hipster in my 50s, I'll need clothing from whatever decade will be considered vintage then. What better than the clothes I wore during that time? I think I need to start keeping my clothes and stop giving them away to Salvation Army. So when I'm an adult hipster, I can dress like one.Keep those clothes you get as gifts that just aren't quite hip enough for you. Because in a few decades, they'll be extremely hip, not worn by anyone else, and you won't have to go to the thrift store for them.And that's why this week's dream of being hip is keeping all of my clothes. So that when I'm an adult, I can dress like a hipster without having to go to a thrift store.I'm all about Future-Proof Clothing.


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