Dream of Being Hip: Bringing The Hipster Community Together
What is it with hipsters and being healthy like eating organic food and being vegan/vegetarian, but smoking and drinking like chimneys and things that drink a lot?It's just so contradictory to me. It's like people who wear shirts with a peace sign but on the tag it says "Made in China", a.k.a. "good chance of being made by children."There is a lot of hypocrisy in the hipster community, and most alternative communities in general. One of the worst things about the hipster community is the elitism.We're all hipsters, no one likes us. Why don't we at least get along with each other? Sometimes it just feels like a big contest to see who can be the most non-chalant, but obscure and in your face at the same time.
This is also where the elitism comes into play. It's like, "Oh you're drinking coffee? Cool. Is it Intelligentsia? You should drink Intelligentsia." Also,Pro-tip: If you're reading that, and going "Pssssh. Intelligentsia is crap, you gotta try--"Let me cut you off right there, because you're the exact problem I'm talking about.Stop making the hipster community feel like a big pageant with no judges.And that's why this week's dream of being hip is to get hipsters to stick together and stop being such elitists about everything.