DJ of the week: toneguy

This week's featured DJ is the one and only toneguy. Arguably the most interesting member of Pizza, toneguy talks about music and cheesecake, the two most important things in life.toneguy smiles at the sight of PizzaMichelle: How did you get involved with Pizza FM?TG: I am a grad student, and I was a Unit One instructor for electronic music. Laura Haber approached the group about giving Pizza the space and I offered to help out with the technical schtuff and kind of fell into DJ-ing as a result of that involvement.M: What’s your show like!TG: toneguy's terrifically tall tales is based around story-telling. Each week I choose something to tell a short story about. For example, last week I told a story about the time I went to a dentist who was also into taxidermy. I play basically all brand new music in between bits of the story that hopefully reinforces the tone of the story. Hopefully overall, the listener gets to hear some cool tunes but sticks around to hear how the story comes out.M: What are some of your favorite hobbies?TG: I love to cook in my free time. Specifically, bread-making and candy-making are kind of hobbies for me. I am thinking about getting into home-brewing as well.M: Who is one person you look up to, and how have they affected your life?TG: It may be a little cliché, but my father is someone I have always aspired to be like. He was a college professor and the more time I spend in academia, the more I realize how much I strive to emulate his path and the energy and attitude he brought to the job. I kind of want to be just like him I guess...M: If you could impart one piece of wisdom to yourself when you were in college, what would you share with a younger you?TG: Don't smoke. Also, always be on time and be honest about how prepared you are. You get so much credit in life just for being on time.M: Who were some bands that influenced you as you were growing up, and who are your favorite artists now?TG: Growing up, I listened to a lot of prog rock, back when it was actually coming out. Yes, Rush, Pink Floyd, etc. Now, I find I don't actively listen to specific artists so much anymore. In one way, Pizza has been great in that I am getting exposure to current artists that I might not otherwise listen to. Also, I am a huge deadhead.M: What is your favorite dessert, and if it isn’t triple chocolate cheesecake, why do you think your favorite dessert is better than triple chocolate cheesecake (though deep down, I’m sure you know it’s not)?TG: Hmmm....cheesecake. The thing with cheesecake is quality control. There is so much bad cheesecake out there, chocolate or otherwise. I think I gotta go with plain chocolate cake as you have a little more consistency with plain cake rather than cheese cake....and why is it called cheese "cake", it's clearly more of a pie kind of thing in my book.M: That is very true, and I had not considered this before. I will have to look up the etymology of "cheesecake". To the ety-mobile! (The blessed Oxford English Dictionary). But before I go, I have one more question: What are the pros and cons of having a settlement on the moon?TG: Pros: shorter lines to get coffee Cons: no Pizza FM to listen to.There you have it Pizza pals, the good word delivered to your fresh from the internet by Pizza's wisest member. If -and I know it is- your interested is piqued, listen to toneguy's terrifically tall tales on Mondays from 10pm-12am!


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