World Peace to Come Soon

It was announced on Andrew W.K.’s website (and not The Onion) that AWK will be the United State’s new cultural ambassador to the Middle East.  He has been invited to visit Bahrain elementary schools, colleges, and venues to spread the word of love and partying.World peace is not far off.I saw Andrew during his I Get Wet 10th anniversary tour and it was a positive experience.  He was by far one of the most welcoming rock stars I’ve ever seen. He had no problem with anyone and everyone coming on stage and singing with him. He welcomed hugs and made sure everyone had a good time. In turn, the crowd was more than willing to help strangers crowd surf or get up after falling in a mosh pit and high-fives were had by all.  It was not a concert: it was a party.Andrew W.K.’s message is universal.  We should forget our differences and party and have a good time instead.  If we just apply this philosophy to conflicts in the Middle East, then peace will ensue.  I believe it, and apparently the Department of State does too.Party hard, Bahrain. Read the full story here. 


Listen up! Massive year-end playlist from Force Field PR


New Music Munchtime: 11.23.12