Weekly Mouthful: Murder By Death

Often times, different media outlets will attempt to differentiate their video content by adding a weird n' wacky spin so people will say, "Hey! They're doin' something different!" Well, we're no different. This is The Weekly Mouthful, a video series featuring interviews with artists as they eat pizza.


Over the past decade and some change, Bloomington, Indiana-based Alt. Americana outfit Murder By Death has made a substantial impact across the US. The band released its sixth studio LP Bitter Drink, Bitter Moon on Bloodshot Records last September, expanding its already vast catalog of fast-paced drinking songs, hard-hitting murder ballads, and the best parts of the American Midwest. Currently on tour with Philadelphia weirdos Man Man, Murder By Death headlined a packed show at The Highdive last week, which you can read about here. Clearly, Champaign-Urbana has the hots for Murder by Death, partly because it's a great band, but also because it has performed here, literally, dozens of times since the group's infancy. Unlike several small-town, Midwest bands, Murder By Death stays true to its roots in its music and general humbleness.In this installment of "The Weekly Mouthful" watch members of Murder By Death eat some high-cholesterol, cheesy goodness as they discuss some recent bouts of bad luck, touring with Man Man, and their most recent album.


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