Weekly Mouthful: Kowabunga! Kid

Often times, different media outlets will attempt to differentiate their video content by adding a weird n' wacky spin so people will say, "Hey! They're doin' something different!" Well, we're no different. This is The Weekly Mouthful, a video series featuring interviews with artists as they eat pizza.

Kowabunga! Kid have been lurkin' around the Champaign-Urbana DIY scene for a little under a year, mostly tearing it up at house shows and hanging out with their buddy Kyle Lang of Easter. Lately, though, the band has been recording some tunes, playing punk rawk shows, and a self-titled cassette was released on local tape label Rat King Records. With a new cassette on the way, and a winter tour in the works, Kowabunga! Kid is on the way to super-stardom. Watch these young punx eat pizza and talk about being mean, buff men, and why set lists are for chumps, below:


Kowabunga! Kid plays Mike n' Molly's on Thursday, October 11 with Minor Characters and Ryan McCoy (Facebook Event). 


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