Weekly Mouthful: Coed Pageant

Often times, different media outlets will attempt to differentiate their video content by adding a weird n' wacky spin so people will say, "Hey! They're doin' something different!" Well, we're no different. This is The Weekly Mouthful, a video series featuring interviews with artists as they eat pizza.

When I was in Seventh Grade, my girlfriend at the time and I decided we would start a rock band and tour the World so that all who inhabit it may learn the songs in our hearts, bursting with eternal love. After a month, we broke up, and I became the cynical, bitter man I am today. However, even though my hopes for music and love are washed up and gone for good, Bradley and Gretchen Bergstrand prove that spousal bands can, not only exist, but they can make some pretty darn good tunes. The sole two members of folksy local rock outfit Coed Pageant, as well as a big chunk of The Palace Flophouse, Bradley and Gretchen worked all year to release an EP for each season of 2012. Winter Blitz dropped in January, and The Fallout, the fourth and final installment in the series, just came out this month. In this post-Thanksgiving installment of "The Weekly Mouthful," Coed Pageant discusses what kind of music fits in with each season, while eating a bag of chips and a lovely slice of pizza.



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