Watch: Sufjan Stevens Promotional Videos

I often picture Sufjan Stevens as a mild-mannered guy, who sings songs about Swans, Michigan, and Illinois. When 2010's Age of Adz caught me completely off guard when Sufjan belted "I'm not fuckin' around," I thought such irony and goofiness would never come 'round again. But, just in time for the Holiday Season, he comes bearing gifts in the form of "Tim and Eric"-esque promotional videos for his new (and really, really lengthy) Christmas box set Silver and Gold. Meet characters like "Seven Swanson;" spark your imagination with mysterious song titles like "Christmas Pimple" and "Christmas Custody Battle;" pity an armless elf.You can stream each video below.Source: Pitchfork



Happy Thanksgiving!


Video: Radiation City - "Hide From the Night"