Video: Royal Forest - "Everyone Who Knows You"

royal-forest_2If you've found yourself caught somewhere between watching the new season of Arrested Development for the fifth time through and prepping for Bonnaroo, go ahead and spend 4 minutes and 46 seconds watching Royal Forest's freshest video. In true style of the mantra "Keep Austin Weird", the Austin-based band found themselves filming down in Galveston, TX aboard the USS Cavalla, a WWII-era submarine (above ground, of course). Working in such a confined space, the band pulled off the creative filming of their video in just three hours and with only two microphones.Band member Cody Ground stated, “Capturing the sounds of this weird, boxy, metallic space was our main interest—-for example, we set a guitar amp in a torpedo tube to maximize reverb."Royal Forest's newest album, Spillway, is set to release on July 9.Click here for some WWII submarine jams!


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Pizza Sauce