Tonight! Egos at the Door, The Great Repression, Mille Nomi, Ando Ehlers, Bailout

Egos at the Door

Who: Egos at the Door, The Great Repression, Mille Nomi, Ando Ehlers, BailoutWhen: 10:00 p.m.Where: The Red HerringCost: $5 (Probably)All agesFacebook eventThe University of Illinois is on a well-deserved Fall Break, which I've used as an excuse to stay in bed and play handheld video games for hours before I get tired and went back to sleep. Now that it's Monday, though, it's time to get off your ass start being productive. Read a book, feed your turtle, and expand your music savvy at The Red Herring with a decently eclectic lineup ranging from the math-hardcore of UK-based Egos at the Door, to Ando Ehler's accordion-driven folk punk from Seattle. It's either that or staying in again, but be warned: You might not be able to see these touring bands perform for a while after tonight, and you can only watch Rat Race so many times before you start hating yourself.


Video: Night Moves - "Country Queen"


Fall Break, Front Page, Happy Thanksgiving!