This Weekend: Old Lights, Victor Wooten, Dino Bravo, and more

Who: Old Lights, Believers, Anna Karenina/Anna KarinaWhen: Doors at 9 p.m.Where: Mike n' Molly'sCost: $5Ages: 19+Old Lights plays the kind of music you could imagine played at your parents' high school prom if it was a really, really cool and hip prom. For realzies, though, this St. Louis retro pop-rock quartet is the perfect way for you to spend an intimate time boogyin' down with your significant other. For those of you without significant others, this may be the perfect opportunity to shoot some longing glances across the room.Facebook Event

Who: Victor WootenWhen: Doors at 7 p.m.Where: Canopy ClubCost: $20 at the doorAges: 18+If you were ever the type of person to look up videos of ridiculously talented musicians playing the shit out of their instruments, you probably stumbled across the epic bass battle between legendary bassist Victor Wooten and his brother Regi. Originally known as one of the founding members of Bela Fleck and the Flecktones', for which he still performs, he has oft been cited as one of the best bassists in the World (and I would bet, the Galaxy). Usually, you can see him perform at Summer Camp Music Festival every summer, but for those who don't want to stick around and wait, here's a headlining set from a musician you most likely will never come close to besting.


Also this weekend:

Saturday: Dino Bravo, Alex Barnett, Secular Edict @ The Math Lab (Your weekend dose of house show-gnarly)Sunday: Tommy Castro w/ The Delta Kings @ The Highdive (Some good ol' classic Rhythm & Blues) 


New Music Munchtime: 10.12.12


Tonight! Minor Characters w/ Ryan McCoy and Kowabunga! Kid