The Ultimate "Plan B"

There's no question that we're a bit late for our originally projected January launch date. For that, we apologize. We also want to thank you all for bearing with us while we work with the University's bureaucracy, which we will gladly detail to you upon e-mailing pizza{at}pizzafm{dot}org.But we, like you, are getting restless. So, we're planning something for late April that will put the goals of Pizza FM back on track. We will reveal this "Plan B" as soon as we hammer out some of the details, which should only take another week or two if all goes well.Until then, we're putting a hold on our music blog and "Weekly Mouthfuls." Not only does this save us the money being spent on pizza for the artists we interview, but this also allows our website to focus on a single message, Pizza FM's goal of starting a freeform, noncommercial, college radio station. For the time being, will function as a place for people to learn about the forthcoming station and its progress.But, we'll continue to maintain a thorough Champaign-Urbana shows calendar, which we've updated through April. For those of you looking for some music news and other shenanigans, we're going to begin relying more on social media. Starting next week, we'll regularly post music news, playlists, and event links to upcoming shows regularly on our Twitter and Tumblr. Our Facebook will continue to remind followers about local concerts and important updates.We're also still planning to release a free Record Store Day compilation cassette, featuring songs about pizza from local bands (either new song or pre-existing song with new lyrics). Any artists who want to participate, please send submissions to pizza{at}pizzafm{dot}org.And that about wraps it up. Thanks for being rad, and happy Spring!Love,Pizza FM 


Huge news: Beta Launch 4/22 - 4/27

