Show Recap: An Evening With Your Mother/Jack Anthony and the Desperadoes

 Photo by Jon TraceyApparently last night's show was the last show at The Red Herring, which has officially closed down. The show was held outside in the parking lot behind the restaurant, and I'm definitely glad I got to see it.

Rives and Company

This band led by the Rives brothers (and company) opened up the show with some groovin' alternative rock. Other patrons danced while I attempted to figure out how cameras work. According to frontman Garrett Rives, they're hoping to have an EP out soon.

Morgan Orion and the Honey Locusts

I really am always thrilled to hear Morgan Orion play. Despite some technical difficulties to start off his set (his pickup wouldn't work so he had to mic the guitar), he played up to his usual par. His folky soulful sound makes me feel all fuzzy inside. At one point during his set he was nice enough to wish a couple of long distance bikers luck on their journey. What a nice guy!

Renegade Lightning Rebellion

This band from Chicago that has been touring with An Evening With Your Mother came as a big surprise. The only way I can describe them is as jazzy irish pirates. They each played multiple instruments and displayed a few different sounds. Their harmonies were right on, and I was really blown away by their set.

Jack Anthony & the Desperadoes

There's not much to say about this local indie folk act's set other than it was really solid, and I would be happy to let Jack Anthony marry my mother. They just released a split with An Evening With Your Mother and show no signs of stopping.

An Evening With Your Mother

An Evening With Your Mother's energy last night was incredible and fun. They got the crowd involved, covered Kanye West, and generally played music. Every time I see them play they have improved greatly from the last time I saw them. It was the perfect cap to a really good show.



Show Recap: The 92s


New Music Munchtime 14: Chris Thile, Locrian, Lumerians, and more