Pizza.FM Benefit Show #1!

As some of you know, we're working extremely hard at trying to get this radio station started. We've been working very diligently on updating content, planning things, listening to music and eating pizza. Of course, getting this station off the ground requires more than just hard work and interest; it obviously means we need to go raise some money, not only for equipment and space, but for PRO and SoundExchange licenses so that we can actually start streaming the content and shows you guys have been waiting for. That's where this benefit comes in. Cost of admission is $5, and all the money goes to our cause (with the exception of a little that goes to the sound guy). Here's all the relevant info including the lineup:When: Friday, Feb. 17 @ 9 p.m.Where: Mike n' Molly's in ChampaignCost: $5Ages: 19+Facebook Event  


1. I am God

[soundcloud url="" height="200" iframe="true" /]-----

2. Kowabunga! Kid

No recorded music as of yet, but they're super rad.-----

3. Hank

[bandcamp album=2188211335 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]----

4. The Palace Flophouse

[bandcamp album=4288637404 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]----

5. Morgan Orion

[bandcamp album=2932931425 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]




Upcoming Album: Maps & Atlases