Recap: Pitchfork Day 3
FoxygenFoxygen's lively show really got the crowd going. After a few songs, Sam France made sure to thank AOL, all ATMs, Batman, the Chicago Bulls, Space Jam, and of course BasedGod. The crowd really went crazy when France climbed up the side of the stage in between songs.
Blood OrangeI was really impressed with Blood Orange's dream-like guitar solos. Anytime he would start to play his guitar, it seemed like he was in a trance. It was a lot of fun to watch. I would definitely see him again.
Sky Ferreira After singing "Lost In My Bedroom, Sky stopped the show because she was so shocked at how many people were there to see her. She was almost in tears because she was so happy. She normally never talks between her songs because of her anxiety. And, you could tell she was nervous by the way she spoke. Her nerves went away the moment she began singing. For such a small person, she has a very powerful voice.
Lil BLil B, also known as BasedGod, was enthusiastic from the moment he ran onto the stage, to the time he left. Before he even got on stage, the crowd began chanting, "Thank you BasedGod". After performing some of his songs that seemed misogynistic, he would go on to tell the crowd that he respects everyone, man or woman. He showed the crowd lots of love and said, "Even if you don't love Lil B, Lil B loves you".
Toro y MoiToro y Moi thanked BasedGod before he began his set. Each song ended with an extended musical number. During one of the extended songs, he let someone from VIP come and dance on stage next to him. This was a fun show. It was the biggest crowd I had seen all weekend and everyone was singing along.
MIAIt was hard to get a clear picture of MIA because of how quick her dance moves were. She got the crowd moving just as much as she was. As if her elaborate stage set-up and energetic back-up dancers weren't enough to satisfy the crowd, she actually started a song over because the crowd was not loud enough. She made sure everyone there was having a good time. All Photos by Yarden Trace