New Music Playlist: 6.19.12

New music comes out every week, and the majority of it is released on Tuesdays in the US. It's near impossible to follow it all, so we're making you a playlist every week with some tracks from various genres released within the past three months. Some of it you'll like, some of it you won't. Some of the artists you'll hear are wildly popular, and some of them might be those bands you brag about how you heard them first to everyone who probably doesn't care. But these playlists are good ways for you to keep up with what's going on in the audiosphere, which is moving pretty darn fast these days. Recommendations are always encouraged and can be sent to Just make sure the song is on Spotify (as that's the easiest way for us to share a playable playlist to as many people as possible). And let us know what you think about them. It's a new project and feedback is essential to crafting the legs of what will be a pretty gnarly college radio station.


New Music Munchtime (6.25.12)


Mixtopping #7: Desperado