Mixtopping #5: I can fly!

My parents, various inspirational children's cartoons and teachers have all bestowed upon me one piece of cliche', bullshit advice: "You can do anything you set your mind to!" It seems improbable that, no matter how hard I try, I will make a million dollars; it's wholly unlikely that countless human rights activists will ever bring complete harmony and fairness to the world. But those goals are relatively large in their scope and in the amount of people they're trying to affect. Let's take our ambitions down a notch. I once had dreams of learning how to fly, and flying to me was not about soaring faster than a plane to get from Point A to Point B. I just wanted to fly at any speed because it seemed like a cool thing to do. When I heard about "wishing on a star," I jumped right on that and asked the star (and my present-at-the-time parents) for the ability to fly, to which my parents responded, "Your wish is granted! You can fly in an airplane!" Needless to say, I gave up hope after that. I'm still a bit skeptical, but maybe I didn't "set my mind to it" enough. Maybe I'll do it one day, and maybe you will too. Here's a mixtape of five Midwest artists to serve as your "flying playlist"; it's like a driving playlist but more ambitious. Enjoy (all tracks are downloadable).[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/1669175" height="200" iframe="true" /]The Palace Flophouse: http://tpfsounds.bandcamp.com/World's First Flying Machine: https://www.facebook.com/worldsfirstflyingmachineGrandkids: http://grandkidsmusic.bandcamp.com/Bad Columbushttp://badcolumbus.bandcamp.com/Sand Castles: http://sandcastles1.bandcamp.com/


Lip lickin'


Gorillaz, James Murphy, and Andre 3000 collaborate for Converse