Mixtopping #4: Open Wide, Say "Ah"

The mixtopping this week features a few tunes that'll tempt you to go "dental," a term which here means "open your mouth and say 'ah.'" However, you won't be getting cavities filled. It will be a voluntary "ah," that expresses your content in the quality of pop and rock expressed in this collection of current and former CU marvels.Stream the mixtopping below, and you can download each individual track by clicking the "download" button next to it or that down arrow to the right of the waveform.[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/1660856" params="auto_play=false&show_artwork=true&color=006fff" width="100%" height="200" iframe="true" /]


Live: Andrew Bird in Dublin


More cheese, please